We thank the WASHS Class of 2024 for their beautiful gift to the school, which is now completed and hung on the with floor! The class chose a mural in honor of long-time WASD substitute teacher, Mr. Charles Thomas. The mural was designed and completed by Mrs. Melanie Erb of our art department and features water lilies, for which Mr. Thomas was known internationally, and lyrcis to "Sweet Violets" which he would often sing when substituting.
6 months ago, Waynesboro Area SHS
Here's your chance to purchase a former edition of the Wayarian yearbook!
6 months ago, Waynesboro Area SHS
Yearbook sales
Hope to see you this Friday for our 13th Annual Community Night!
6 months ago, Waynesboro Area SHS
Community Night 2024
In case you missed it! *Follow this link for WASHS Back to School Info, sent Thursday, August 1 around 4:30 pm. https://www.wasd.k12.pa.us/o/washs/article/1695317 *IF YOU DIDN'T GET THAT MESSAGE, follow this link to verify your phone number, email, and preferences for receiving mass communications. https://5il.co/2srp8
7 months ago, Waynesboro Area SHS
How to Update BoroBlast
The Sapphire Community Web Portal will open today at 4PM. Parents and learners can log into their account and view their homeroom teacher and schedule at that time.
7 months ago, WASDPA
Mark your calendars for our first home football game of the 2024-25 season and the debut of this year's field show featuring our marching band and color guard! Admission is $5 for adults, $3 for students and seniors. Student section theme is BLACK OUT. (No face painting permitted. Please review the 2nd graphic for all stadium rules.)
7 months ago, Waynesboro Area SHS
Football - 8-23-2024
Stadium Rules 2024
Mark your calendars for our Back to School events on Tuesday, August 13! Braves 2 Indians Orientation for the Incoming Class of 2028 and new WASHS students from 4:30-6:00 pm. WASHS Open House from 6:30-8:00 pm.
7 months ago, Waynesboro Area SHS
B2I 2024
B2S Open House 2024
WASHS PARKING PERMIT INFO FOR 2024-25: Members of the Class of 2025 and Class of 2026 will receive an email from Dr. McCallum today at 4:00 pm with directions to apply for a parking permit. We will be implementing an online application process this year - no in-person appointments necessary! Follow the link below to review WASHS Parking Guidelines and the criteria a student must meet to receive a parking permit. https://core-docs.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/979/WASHS/4593833/WASHS_Parking_Guidelines.pdf Questions can be directed to Dr. McCallum via email.
7 months ago, Waynesboro Area SHS
On May 21, AP Physics 2 and AP Computer Science participated in a lecture given by Mr. Jason Brookens. Mr. Brookens is employed by the Space Telescope Science Institute where he is involved in receiving and archiving data from the Hubble and James Webb telescopes. This data is then used by scientists for various research projects. Students were able to learn about the process of getting an experiment approved, viewed images from the telescopes, heard about various roles and opportunities available in this field, discussed computer languages used in development, and asked a variety of great questions. We thank Mr. Brookens for joining us and Mrs. Lindsay Baker for arranging for his visit!
8 months ago, Waynesboro Area SHS
Physics Guest 2024
The WASHS Class of 2026 wishes to thank the MANY donors who made their seat cushion & Bingo fundraisers a success !
8 months ago, Waynesboro Area SHS
Bingo Sponsors
Seat cushion
Good luck to Jada and True who will be completing in the PIAA State Track & Field meet this weekend! Both qualified based on their performance at last week's District 3 meet - Jada earned 5th place in the pole vault and True finished in 5th place in the 300M hurdles!
9 months ago, Waynesboro Area SHS
Good luck to our baseball team as they move on to the semifinal round of District III 6a playoffs this Thursday, on the road to Hempfield HS in Lancaster, County! Ticket sales continue to be online only. https://piaad3.hometownticketing.com/embed/all?tile_item=15
9 months ago, Waynesboro Area SHS
District PlayOff 5/23/24
A great big thank you to Rodney and Janelle Cool for permitting our State & Local History class a tour of the old Waynesboro Bank Building. Mr. Cool greeted our students and identified architectural features of the 1904 Neoclassical building including the bank vault - now storage - the location of the original tellers, and marble as well as the fan-shaped stained glass windows. After the tour, students were able to enjoy Brio treats!
9 months ago, Waynesboro Area SHS
S& L Brio trip
NHS had a great time on their recent field trip to Mount Vernon!
9 months ago, Waynesboro Area SHS
Congratulations to the WASHS Baseball Team in their 1-0 victory over Cumberland Valley last Friday. Wishing the team good luck to as they travel to Red Lion today for the District 3 6A Quarter finals versus Red Lion!
9 months ago, Waynesboro Area SHS
Baseball Quarter Finals
Hope to see a big crowd Friday afternoon - Go Boro!
9 months ago, Waynesboro Area SHS
District Baseball Playoff Game
Healthcare Institute is an award-winning program offered by Wellspan/Chambersburg Hospital that gives HS juniors & seniors the opportunity to explore various healthcare careers. Daisy & Stone, members of the Class of 2024, were part of HCI this semester and recently gave their final presentations. Congratulations!
10 months ago, Waynesboro Area SHS
Student clubs made cards and banners for School Lunch Hero Day that were hung by by the cheer team!
10 months ago, Waynesboro Area SHS
Lunch Hero 1
Lunch Hero 2
Lunch Hero 4
Lunch Hero 3
Lunch Hero 5
We thank the local community for supporting the WASHS Class of 2026. - the Bingo on April 28th is officially sold out and no tickets will be sold at the door.
10 months ago, Waynesboro Area SHS
Congratulations to the WAMS and WASHS Envirothon teams on their performance at the county competition earlier this week. The WASHS team of Joel, Corrina, Maddie, Marshall, and Emma won 1st place and will advance to the state competition at the end of May!
10 months ago, Waynesboro Area SHS