This year Mowrey celebrated Veteran's Day by holding our annual Veteran's Day Program. This year looked a little different as we celebrated by hosting our first ever virtual program. We are please to share our virtual Veteran's Day Program with you. To view the program please visit
almost 3 years ago, Mowrey Elementary
Mustang Country - As a reminder, tomorrow, Thursday, September 23rd is a scheduled early dismissal. Elementary dismissal will be at 12:50pm.
almost 3 years ago, Mowrey Elementary
A message from Food Services-Please note: Menus are subject to change based on availability of products. Due to shortages in production staff to produce products and truck driver shortages to deliver products, we are experiencing many menu shortages and changes. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work through these challenges.
almost 3 years ago, WASDPA
Hello Waynesboro families, The “Current Schedule” feature in the Sapphire Community Web Portal is still down.  The Data Department has been in contact with programmers and developers at Sapphire in regards to the situation, it is a company wide issue for Sapphire, and they are working diligently to fix the problem.  Additionally, we are not the only district affected by the interface switch over with certain features.  As they work through these issues and things become available, the District will post and update on our website, social media and through a Boro Blast.  We are also aware of new account creation issues and Sapphire is working through that as well.  You can still see your learner’s schedule on the left hand side under “Courses and Grades” for learners in grades 6-12.  Classroom teachers can be viewed by selecting “Student Information” for learners in grades K-5.  We appreciate your patience and understanding as Sapphire works through these issues as they improve the Community Web Portal experience. Thank you.
about 3 years ago, WASDPA
Boro Logo
The Community Web Portal is now open. WAMS and WASHS learners can see their classes under Courses and Grades. The color scheduler will be available to learners tomorrow. All learners should be able to see their homeroom teacher under student information. Transportation routes will be coming soon. If you have trouble accessing your portal, please reach out to your building secretary tomorrow morning. Thank you!
about 3 years ago, WASDPA
Boro Logo
As a result of interest and successful learner enrollment in our First Choice - Virtual Instruction Program (FC-VIP) WASD will be extending the enrollment period until Monday, August 16th. #fcvip
about 3 years ago, Mowrey Elementary
Are you interested in WASD’s First Choice Virtual Instruction Program (FC-VIP)? Do you want to learn more about FC-VIP? Join us for one of our upcoming informational sessions. Visit the FC-VIP information under the news section of the Mowrey webpage for more information.
about 3 years ago, Mowrey Elementary
It's Yearbook time! Visit the link below to order your Mowrey Learner's yearbook. https://orders.picpl ?key=ZSTT2CCQ
over 3 years ago, Mowrey Elementary
20-21 Yearbook Orders
Families with incoming kindergarten learners for the 2021-2022 school year. The Kindergarten Registration Application is open! If you have not started your online application for your incoming kindergarten learner, now is the time to do so. If you have started the application and need to upload required documentation, registration office staff will be available for an additional document scanning day on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, from 7:30 - 5:00. Location: WASD Administration Building 210 Clayton Avenue. If you are in need of the required forms to upload, folders are available at the WASD Administration Building in the bin out front. If you have any questions about Kindergarten Registration, please email Have a great day!
over 3 years ago, WASDPA
Don't Forget
Important Message from Mrs. Goodine, Mowrey Principal: Last night our Mowrey custodians discovered a smoke smell in the building, after which an electrical fire was discovered inside a ceiling. Appropriate measures were taken immediately, which included contacting 911. We are very fortunate that it was caught early and no damage occurred. We would like to extend our heartfelt thank you to our local fire department, Olyer Electric, and WASD maintenance staff for their quick response and support. Thanks to their efforts Mowrey was able to continue instruction today with no disruption.
over 3 years ago, Mowrey Elementary
WASD Families, all school buses have arrived safely at school. All learners are safe in the buildings.
over 3 years ago, WASDPA
Mowrey will have a Synchronous Remote Learning Day today due to weather. All classes will follow their normal schedule starting at 9 AM. Stay safe!
over 3 years ago, Mowrey Elementary
Mowrey Elementary would like to thank everyone who came out to our Kindergarten Drive-Thru event this evening! Thank you all for your patience and understanding while we worked through the flow of traffic. It was a wonderful event and we served over 200 incoming Kindergarten families. If you missed the event, packets on registration are available in the bin out front at the Clayton Avenue Administration office. Have a great evening and welcome class of 2034!
over 3 years ago, WASDPA
Thank You
"The United States Department of Agriculture extended the waiver providing free meals until June 30th 2021. The Waynesboro Area School District will continue to provide free breakfast and lunch to all learners. Learners who are not attending school face to face can still receive free meals by signing up on the WASD Food Service page. Parents must fill out the google order form each week in order for your child to be eligible for meal pick up."
over 3 years ago, Mowrey Elementary
School physicals on January 7, 2021: The Pennsylvania School Health Act requires a physical examination for each kindergarten, sixth and eleventh grade student. If your learner needs a physical and you wish to have the exam completed by the school physician, please complete the consent form sent home and your learner. Please contact your child's school nurse with any questions.
almost 4 years ago, Mowrey Elementary
Online Kindergarten Registration is still happening! Have you completed your learner's application? Visit the WASD website, select Menu, Kindergarten 2020-2021, for an update and to log back into your application to complete the enrollment process for your learner. #classof2033
about 4 years ago, WASDPA
Welcome to Kindergarten
Tonight is the last night to pick up your learners materials, which include their yearbooks. Pick up runs from 3:40-7:40. Visit our website or Facebook page for more information.
over 4 years ago, Mowrey Elementary
Visit our Mowrey Facebook Page or You Tube Channel to see the world premiere of Spirit of the Mustangs Vol. 2
over 4 years ago, Mowrey Elementary
Each year our Mustang staff creates a special video to share with our Mustang Learners during an annual celebration. Tomorrow would have been our scheduled celebration. Since we are not together, we will be sharing our video with Mustang Country virtually on our Facebook page. Are you ready Mustang Country?
over 4 years ago, Mowrey Elementary
Spirit of the Mustang Vol. 2
Due to the official closure of Pennsylvania schools for the reminder of the school year, WASD will be reaching out to learners to pick up personal items from lockers or desks. However, we are honoring the stay at home orders until April 30th. WASD learners and families will be notified of pick up options in May.
over 4 years ago, WASDPA