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What is the organization?

The Waynesboro Area Business, Education, and Community (WABEC) Foundation seeks to establish and promote activities that build links between schools, businesses, and the community-at-large in Waynesboro area with the goal to increase community involvement in education for all students. In an era of significantly reduced state budget support, the WABEC Foundation was incorporated to provide a means for donors to contribute resources that support student learning and achievement. The sole intent is to enhance student and community life in the Waynesboro Area School District.

When was it formed and why?

Waynesboro Area Business and Education Consortium Board voted on January 7, 1999 to become a Foundation and change its name to the Waynesboro Area Business, Education, and Community Foundation. The Foundation had its first Board meeting on May 6, 1999. The Foundation is organized for charitable and educational purposes as defined in Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. All contributions will be tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. The Foundation's philosophy is that if the children, the school district, and the community are to excel scholastically, culturally, and socially, the Foundation must upgrade facilities, sustain ongoing educational youth programming and lay the groundwork for the future program funding, to meet the needs of the 21st century.

  • Encourage student achievement

  • Promote the importance of graduating

  • Encourage innovative classroom programs

  • Support district and teacher efforts to create effective learning that help identify careers for students

  • Provide a forum for educators and business leaders to share concerns and ideas about education

  • Develop public awareness of educational needs

How is WABEC funded?

We are funded by donations, EITC contributions from area businesses, and our annual Links to Learning Golf Tournament. For more information: see the WABEC website on the WASD website, or P.O. Box 545 Waynesboro or e-mail rita_sterner-hine@wasdpa.org.

The Projects

Mission Statement: We link Waynesboro businesses, schools and the community to improve education for all students.

We have sponsored the following programs for students in the Waynesboro Area School District:

  • Children’s Village a fire and safety program for all 2nd grade students

  • 7th grade Adventures in Learning

  • 8th grade Adventures in Learning

  • Project Lead the Way


  • Annual WABEC Mini Grants for innovative educational student programs that include: student achievement, assistance to “at-risk” students, use of technology for instruction, student self-esteem and community partnerships.

  • Your Employability Skills Certification Program (YES) at Waynesboro Area Senior High School

  • Waynesboro Area Senior High Graduation Party

WABEC Capital Campaign 2012-2015 - Honor the Past Build the Future

This WABEC Capital Campagin project is a testimony of how great things can happen when our community comes together to support a common goal. In addition, the partnership between WABEC Foundation and the Waynesboro School Board Directors demonstrates how both private and public contributions can collectively benefit our students and the community. We are especially thankful to Mr. Chris Lind, Mr. Lee Lemley, and Mrs. Bonnie Bachtell for their ongoing support.

We want to publicly recognize our honorary chairs: Mr. Greg Duffey, Dr. Bob Zimmerman, Mr. Randy Kuhn, and Mr. Clint Barkdoll for their leadership and guidance in this campaign. In addition, I want to thank our campaign chairs: Mr. Randy Sellers, Mrs. Julie Sellers, Dr. Wendy Royer, and Mr. Dave Neterer who spend countless hours attending meetings and working on all the behind the scene details to make this a successful campaign.

The motto for this capital campaign was to honor the past and build the future. We are very proud to announce that with your support we accomplished this goal. We are looking forward to our students and our community utilizing this amazing track and field and continue to promote Waynesboro pride!

Below is a slide show highlighting the Capital Campaign.

WABEC Capital Campaign

Hopes for the future:

The future of the Waynesboro area depends on a well-educated, well-prepared work force. In an increasingly global market-place, it is vital that employees be technologically savvy, possess effective communication skills, and work collaboratively to achieve organizational goals. The WABEC Foundation links local businesses, schools, and community resources to improve education for all students. The overall goal of this partnership is to create a dynamic work force. This will contribute to a strong economy and a high standard of living for the citizens of our area. We are seeking new partners. Contact information: P.O. Box 545 Waynesboro or e-mail rita_sterner-hine@wasdpa.org.

How you can help…

Make a Donation:

Charitable donations can be made several different ways and a five (5) year pledge period is available for your financial planning and convenience.

Cash Donations
Charitable Annuity Trust
Marketable Securities
Charitable Remainder TrustLife Insurance
Charitable Lead TrustAnnuities