Good evening High School Families, please read the three informational messages below.

The December newsletter for our families can be accessed HERE. Please review this newsletter for important information and upcoming events.

  • Updates from the counseling office, attendance office, and school nurses
  • Updates to the WASD Student Dress Code
  • CareerTech Information Night on Tuesday, January 3
  • December Learners of the Month
  • Departmental updates from science, special education, and world languages

Attention families of a senior: There will be a mandatory Class of 2023 meeting during first period on Thursday, January 19. Additionally, the deadline for senior yearbook tributes has passed. However, Mrs. Winter has extended the deadline, with payment, to Monday, December 19 at 12:00 noon. If you need an extra copy, you can access the yearbook tribute packet HERE

Finally, a few calendar reminders. There is an early dismissal for learners on Thursday, December 22 at 11:50 am. Please note that CareerTech is CLOSED on the 22nd, therefore fall semester CareerTech learners are off. Schools will be closed for winter break beginning Friday, December 23. WASD Schools will reopen on Monday, January 2nd due to making up yesterday’s inclement weather closing. Please note that our office will be closed during winter break so any emails or messages sent over the break will be returned on January 2nd. 

Thank you and enjoy your weekend.