WAMS Flexible Instruction Day

WAMS Flexible Instruction Day (FID)

Here's some quick pointers on FID Days. Please see the WAMS October Newsletter for complete directions.

The mornings and evenings are getting cooler! As we round the corner into colder weather we are unfortunately bound to encounter snow storms and bouts of inclement weather. After two “snow days”, the district will be utilizing FID (Flexible Instruction Days) in the event of a school cancellation. As the district has done in prior years, FID will be virtual instruction days for students and staff. Listed below are some important points of FID that will help your learner be successful and make the most of the day. 



8:30- 9:30

Core 1 (Period 1 for 6th & 7th and  Period 3 for 8th)

9:35- 10:35

Core 2 (Period 2 for 6th & 7th and Period 4 for 8th)

10:40- 11:40

Core 3 (Period 3 for 6th, period 5 for 7th & 8th)

11:45- 12:45

Core 4 (Period 4 for 6th, period 6 for 7th & 8th)

12:45- 1:15


1:15- 3:00

Related Arts/ Specials push out asynchronous (not live) work.

Teachers are available for office hours, small group help, meetings, phone calls, etc.

Quick Bullet Points!

  • All learners will simply follow their daily schedule as they would in the building. Meaning, that if their first core class in the building was Math, they would begin their virtual day with Math.

  • Google Meet links will be shared with learners by the teachers. 

  • All Core Academic Classes will be Synchronous (live) to begin the 1 hour block.

  • There is no WIN or Braves Block class on FID days.

  • For the best learning experience please create an appropriate learning environment, if available, for your learner to focus on the class and the content. 

  • All learners are expected to be engaged and participate in the class with their cameras on. 

  • Please keep in mind that all school rules regarding language, dress code, etc. still apply in the virtual setting. 

Amount of Course-work Per Day

Learners should spend a similar amount of time on schoolwork as they do on a typical school day. This would include the amount of time spent in class, as well as assignments completed at home. Learners are expected to participate in synchronous (live) instruction for all classes following the schedule provided above and work independently to complete any additional assignments. 


Flexible Instruction Days (FID) are school days. Therefore, the assignment completion policy will apply for FID days just as it does for days when learners are face-to-face. 

Academic Support

All teachers will host office hours from 1:15 - 3:00 p.m. for learners to log in and ask questions. Please encourage your learners to email their teachers for assistance!

Attendance Virtual Learning

Attendance will be taken during the live classes. Students must submit an “attendance assignment” as well as being live to be considered present. Students are expected to be present at their classes in order to be considered present. Attendance during FID days and regular school days is extremely important for your learner to be successful!