The Waynesboro Area School District is committed to keeping our students safe and preparing our faculty, support staff, and students to be prepared for emergency situations.  This year we will continue to implement the ALICE training program. 

ALICE stands for Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter and Evacuate.

1. Alert – Call 911

Don’t assume others are contacting law enforcement. Give as clear and accurate information as possible that will answer the vital questions of who, what, when, where and how.

2. Lockdown – Shelter in Place

By locking down and barricading entry points, you make yourself a hard target. Locked down does not mean locked in. You may choose to barricade the door and exit out windows to safety.

3. Inform – Constant, Real-time Updates

This can be accomplished with things such as video surveillance equipment or public address systems. Information updates during a violent intruder incident allows occupants to make sound decisions about how to react and what steps – if any – to take next.

4. Counter the Attack – A Last Resort

When other options are not immediately possible – a locked/lockable door does not exist, or the intruder breaches a secured room – move, make noise, and get distraction devices (anything at hand) in the air and heading for the shooter’s face. Then you may attack or evacuate the area.

5. Evacuate – Get Out!

Your goal here is to put as much time and distance as possible between you and the intruder.


Please know that although the letters A-L-I-C-E may appear to be sequential steps to follow, they are not. The acronym is merely a mnemonic to help people under stress to remember the options available to them in an active-shooter scenario.