President - Elizabeth Malone
Vice President - Kara Pesanti
Secretary - Erin Romanelli
Treasurer - Kelly Kozlowsky
PTO meetings are held the 1st Thursday of each month at 6:00 pm in the library. Meetings are open to all Hooverville Students' caregivers!
PTO main focus is supporting our Hornets through activities and fundraisers. All funds raised help our students with:
Field trip transportation fees
Special events for Hooverville students and their families
Classroom Parties and Activities,
Field Day
5th grade graduation
Enhancements for the school building and grounds
Staff and Bus Driver Appreciation
and much, much more.
School Store - 2nd & 4th Thursdays of the month during lunch
Brother's Pizza Fundraising Nights:
K-2nd Gr. 1st Thursday of every month
3-5th Gr. 2nd Thursday of every month