Hello Hornet Families,
It’s so exciting to have the Hornets back in the hive! I am very proud of our dedicated staff and enthusiastic learners. I believe that all of us- the school and the community- must work together as an extended family to ensure success for all our students. It’s our responsibility to empower children with the creative, intellectual and decision-making skills necessary for them to become academically, socially, physically and emotionally successful.
The Waynesboro Area School District’s, “First Choice” mission is to, “Empower individuals for future opportunities.” Academically, learners engage in appropriately challenging, purposeful learning experiences in order to independently attain knowledge and skills needed for future opportunities. Our goal is to educate the whole child and develop the social emotional skills to be successful, contributing citizens. Learners and families will have access to a network of relationships to support them throughout their school career. In addition, learners will be exposed to a variety of careers and have the opportunity to explore and develop their gifts and abilities to take advantage of future opportunities.
We all need to work together to ensure that our children reach their fullest potential . With that in mind, you are invited to be an active participant at Hooverville Elementary. Whether you are a classroom volunteer, a member of PTO, or a special event participant, you are encouraged to be involved! Educational research clearly demonstrates that when parents are more involved in their child’s education the child’s likelihood for academic success greatly increases.
Increasing parent communication in our school is a high priority for Hooverville this coming year. One of our most important responsibilities is to keep you informed of all that is taking place at the school. One of the ways we do this is regularly updating the Abre Family Channel, Hooverville website, Hooverville Facebook page and the monthly family calendar. In addition, you are welcome to call the school office if you have any questions or concerns. I look forward to having a long and rewarding relationship with you and your family.