crayon outline reminder for kindergarten

This is a friendly reminder that kindergarten will do a staggered start beginning on Wednesday, August 21st

Wednesday: Only BOYS will attend at the normal time, 8:40-3:20. 

Thursday: Only GIRLS will attend at the normal time, 8:40-3:20. 

Friday: NO kindergarten 

Monday: ALL kindergarten learners attend at the normal time, 8:40-3:20. 

Please be sure your child's teacher knows how they are to be going home and be please patient as we will not dismiss children until a teacher has visually matched them with a parent or guardian or placed them on the bus.  Please help us by NOT pulling your child out of line until the teacher dismisses them to you.  It will get faster as the year goes on if we all work together, but safety is our number one priority!  Other learners and families can help by staying out of the kindergarten "loading zone" during dismissal so everyone has clear sight lines.

Don't forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter (@WASDPA_FV) to stay connected throughout the year! #ItsABeautifulDayInTheFVNest #FVFalconsRise